Dr Kai Kermani has authored and published three books and one audio CD on his extensive clinical and spiritual work on Healing and Autogenics.

Empower and Heal your Life audio CD

Empower and Heal your Life is a unique GUIDED meditation/visualisation audio CD called. It was developed for both experienced and non-experienced people to receive a healing and empowering meditation. Dr Kai has kindly bequeathede ALL the proceeds of sales of this CD to the Sam Buxton Sunflower Healing Trust.

This powerful, inspirational  and unique  guided meditation /visualisation  devised by Dr.Kai Kermani  is a technique of releasing negative behaviour patterns, emotions, memories and  belief systems and   improving ,enhancing and strengthening  feelings of self-worth, confidence and love as well as empowering the user to heal themselves and achieve whatever they wish in their lives.

Please visit this link for testimonials from people who's lives have been empowered.



Heal your life with rainbow colours: powerful techniques for self healing, empowerment and manifestation

This is Kai's latest book contains a wealth of information backed by science that will help empower, heal and get what you want from life. As part of Dr Kai's generosity, his newest book is currently free and can be downloaded from the link below. Please download it and read it, if you like it or want to make the process of empowerment easier, you can purchase the CD above.



Autogenic Training; the effective holistic way to conquer stres

It is intended for the lay public, as well as the complementary therapists and the members of the medical profession.  It is in 4 sections.

SECTION 1: This section covers the field of holistic health and what this means.  Details of physical aspects such as exercise, diet, and nutritional supplements are given.  The importance of stress, both in the inception and the perpetuation of disease and the ways in which autogenic training can help to counteract it’s detrimental effects is also discussed, as is the concept of self-empowerment and self-healing.

SECTION 2: The second section describes the immense powers of this simple yet extremely effective  and powerful technique in relaxation, stress management, healing and empowerment is described. It also  does a step-by-step teach-yourself tutorial of practical aspects on doing Autogenic Training, in the absence of a qualified trainer. It also gives details of a number of different ways that suppressed emotions can be released safely and successfully. The meditative, self-empowering and self-healing aspects of the technique are also detailed.

SECTION 3: The third section goes into details of many diseases in which the conventional and complementary therapies together with Autogenic Training  could be useful, both from the view point of prevention, as well as recovery.  Also explained in this section is the use of Autogenic Training  as an aid to improving performance in sport, business and finance, education and creative arts.  The situations and conditions which are known to be helped by holistic means especially Autogenic Training  and healing  are detailed in the section on “conditions helped by healing and Autogenic training (Link to list of conditions helped by healing and Autogenic training

Section 4 details a number of different self-help groups and complementary therapists in the UK.

Please click this link if you wish to buy this book from Amazon


Life’s Kaleidoscope in poetry by Kai Kermani:

This autobiographical  book in poetry format  is divided into seven sections. These include childhood and adolescent;  Named angels; Ascended masters; Global travel  odyssey; sickness, healing and death; emotional states; From angels to war which contains a  Miscellany of events which  occurred during the author’s life time of great highs and lows. “Dr.Kai Kermani is an extraordinary healer in his professional life and created a work of poetry which inspires, empowers and offers healing to the reader. He takes us along his journey of intense personal suffering, pain, humor and joy; an emotional, passionate and thought provoking roller coaster of a ride to the ultimate discovery of peace, serenity and spiritual enlightenment.”  Grethe Hooper-Hansen.

Please click this link if you wish to buy this book from Amazon